How Can I Create a Clone of my Website? Print

  • clone, website clone
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1. Log in to your Server Manager. For instructions, visit the related article here.

2. Navigate to your WordPress section and select the ‘Clone” option.

  3. You can either use a subdomain (3rd level domain) or use an existing domain as the destination for the clone. In this example, we will go with the subdoman option and choose "staging" as the name.

4. Wait for the cloning process to finish. For this example, we will need to add the necessary DNS record for the subdomain we've just created.

  • If you are using’s nameservers for your domain, you can add the necessary record from your Client Portal. For instructions on how to manage/add DNS records through your Client Portal, please visit the related article here.
  • If you are using a 3rd party dns provider, you will have to add the record from their control panel. Here’s the record value:

Type: A

Source: (replace “staging” with the name you selected and replace “” with your own domain)

Destination: Your Managed WordPress server IP (you can view your server IP from your “Services” section in your Client Portal. It should look similar to this:

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